Dog Licensing

Starting 2023, we will no longer be sending in city dog licenses on behalf of our clients. We understand that this was a convenience for many of our clients and are happy to help provide all the information needed to ensure your pet is licensed.

The process for obtaining your pet’s license varies by county. Please select the appropriate county:




Not sure who to pay? Plug your address in here:

Goddard – Licensing

Residents are reminded to register their dogs. Registration is $5 for dogs that are spayed or neutered, or $10 if they are not spayed or neutered. A current immunization certificate is required at registration. Owners of dogs running at large without a registration will receive a $50 to $300 fine.

City Code, Article 2-220, restricts the number of dogs to a maximum of three
(3) per household. Please contact City Hall at 316-794-2441 to register your

Sedgwick County – Animal Control / Licensing

All dogs and cats owned by residents who live in the unincorporated areas of Sedgwick County must be vaccinated and dogs must wear a tag indicating compliance with the county’s animal code. Residents can obtain a dog license in on of the three ways listed below:

Obtaining a Sedgwick County Dog License from a Veterinarian

  • Complete the information below on the Sedgwick County dog license form at the veterinarians office.
    • The dog’s physical description
    • The date that the rabies vaccination was given as it appears on the vaccination certificate
    • The metallic vaccination tag number
    • The owner’s name, address and telephone number
  • Your veterinarian can take the payment for your dog’s license and send your information to Sedgwick County Animal control to be processed
  • Your veterinarian may choose to send the license home with you. If you receive the license, mail a copy of the provided license form and appropriate payment amount to:
    Sedgwick County Animal Control
    1015 W. Stillwell
    Wichita, KS 67213

Obtaining a Sedgwick County Dog License from Sedgwick County Animal Control

  • You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to fill out the form online or you will have to print/mail to the address below. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can click on the link below
    Download Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Click the link below to the online Sedgwick County Animal Control Dog License Application Form and Follow the provided directions.
    Fillable Dog License Application Form
  • If you mail payment, make the check or money order payable to S.C.A.C. Sedgwick County Animal Control also accepts payment via debit and credit card (through phone call or in-person only)
    If you are not able to submit the form online, or through the mail, you can contact Sedgwick County Animal Control directly for more assistance at (316) 660 – 7070 or you can reach us by email at [email protected]

Wichita – Licensing

CITY HALL – 1st 455 N Main Wichita, KS 67202-1695

Go to
Click – Online Services
– Apply for a license
or Permit Click – Online
License Renewals
– Dog License – Owner

First Time User?

  • To obtain your City of Wichita Pet Track account number, please call our office at 316-268-4553
  • Please DO NOT use your pet’s Tag number, microchip number or any account number associated with your veterinarian’s office
  • If you have a new pet, you must mail or bring in your rabies certificate with city license fee
  • Once you have obtained your account number – Click Register – Fill in your information
  • Dog License with no discount is $46.00; however,
    • If your pet is neutered/spayed – you may deduct $18.00 if you have a fenced yard – you may deduct $10.00
    • If your pet has a microchip-you may deduct $3.00
  • Vet must indicate spay/neuter on rabies certificate or please provide proof
  • Must indicate microchip number on rabies certificate or please provide proof
  • If more than two dogs, the owner shall apply for an Animal Maintenance Permit